Wednesday, January 22, 2014

One word: ACT! (My 2014 Goals)

What was it again that, generally, us, women always wish for our men to do?

To fulfill their promises. Because:

"ACTIONS speak louder than words."

I strongly agree. Why the infamous "promises-are-just-meant to be broken" statement? Because many of us lack action.

It's time for a change. And taking action and fulfilling our promises apply to everybody!

Hence, to start my action plans, I wrote down here my goals and passions for 2014 (& onwards):

- Be fit and healthy. To develop my endurance (needed when I take short cuts to climb hilly roads), achieve a waistline of not more than 30 inches and weigh 60-70 kilos. I commit to eat healthy food, do 30-minute walk each day and an hour of jogging/zumba dance/swimming on weekends.

- Minimum of 10 blog posts per month. To develop my writing skills (goal of publishing an inspirational book), enhance my communication with blogosphere, network with people online and best of all, to share and learn ideas with everyone. Result: at least 120 blog posts for a year!

- Develop a hobby for cooking. FYI: I am a "parasite" for people who loves to cook ('coz I love to eat!). I am well-surrounded by friends and a boyfriend who enjoy cooking, and I enjoy tasting their food. Somehow, I want a change and be the one to make special meal for them. I will master two special recipes (or bake one cake, or make a dessert) per month. This recipe must be other than ordinary daily food.

- I want to get married and have twins. (This goal will require a decision of another party though.)

- Last Monday, I plotted my 2014 financial plans and I commit myself to it. I made some changes and renamed "emergency fund" to "peace of mind fund"; "weekend dates and travels" to "happy fund"; and all the rest remain, as is.

- Attend a seminar/enroll to a class (like IT information, online marketing, gardening, etc) and get a certification/qualification to enhance my self-education. Life is always a continuous learning.

Putting our goals and dreams on paper provide us a clearer view of what we want to fulfill. I wrote down mine above and it's time for some action! =D

Cheers to a fulfilling 2014!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

The 2013 Milestones: A Look Back

I am sooooo back! And I would begin my first entry of 2014 by completing on the months that I made this blog blank on the remainder of the year 2013. (Ooooops!)

And as for every year that comes and goes, it is always nice to reflect and look on what had been the blessings that I am thankful for, as well as the trials that molded my strength. The year 2013 was a year that tested my capacity on major decision-making skills, taking big steps toward personal finances and investments, and best of all, the bloom of a LOVE LIFE! =D

So, here are the milestones of the 12 months in my Year 2013:

January 2013 – As most of my readers here know, I always take December as my holidays to spend Christmas and New Year with family in the Philippines. And returning to the cold winter January in the UK after a month of vacation at my warm tropical Philippines always gives me a heavy heart.  The beginning of this year was also “supposed” to be the last year of my 3-year working permit visa in the UK. I am just SO EXCITED to finally be back in the Philippines FOR GOOD come December 2013!!! (And as you may now know as of this writing, this did not happen. You will know the major reason in the coming months to follow). And this reason was also briefly introduced to me during this month of January. I was assigned for 4 months (from January to April) to our affiliate office to work on a client. This was the longest I was ever away from my 2nd home! And my adventurous self did not like being away for such a long time – but I tried and managed to enjoy whatever life has thrown on me at the onset of the year 2013. Picture was the sunrise at 8am in Guernsey Island from the penthouse apartment provided by our office.


February 2013 – Since I started receiving my very first salary, I made a budget (which most often is not being followed.) My spendings are over the variance and I admit that I do not have the proper money management skills, plus a really low personal finance and investment knowledge.  I took budgeting a little bit seriously when I started working abroad in 2011, equipped myself through learnings via the internet and get myself involved into investments. Two years passed and I became thirsty of finding a community who share the same enthusiasm that I have towards financial literacy.  I found them via The Global Filipino Investors (TGFI). Join our Facebook group of now more than 22,500 members!  I also became one of the group’s administrators during this month.  Read my full interview at MoneyGurado’s blog here.


March 2013 – Too late for winter, ei? Who would not get excited to tick off one of the looooongest pending adventures on my bucket list – an experience which I had been dreaming of since I was in high school? Finally, I experienced being under the rain of snow and felt them melt under my bare hands. Freezing cold!!! Definitely worth it. And FYI, I never want to experience snow again, though. The road was wet and slippery, plus it was sooooo cold!!! Brrrrr….. One of my weekly work flights was also cancelled for 2 days due to snow – and I was able to take much from my travel insurance for the delayed flight. Yey!


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